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Tánaiste tells Friends of Syria meeting “the violence - from all sides - must stop”

PARIS, 6 July 2012 - The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, T.D., today attended the Friends of Syria meeting in Paris. The Tánaiste joined with the international community in underling that the time for a peaceful transition and end to the violence in Syria is now.

The Tánaiste, in his address at the meeting said:

'In responding to the crisis in Syria, we can no longer confine ourselves to mere condemnatory statements and expressions of concern. There is a clear need for effective action on the part of the international community to end the violence and to bring the Syrian people's long nightmare to an end. The violence - from all sides - must stop.'

The Tánaiste underlined the need to fully support the efforts of Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan. These now need to be complimented through the urgent adoption of a Security Council resolution imposing sanctions against all those who do not meet their commitments.

The Tánaiste said:

'An arms embargo is particularly urgent. I support the calls for such a measure voiced here today.

I welcomed the opportunity to hear directly from representatives of the Syrian opposition today on what more the international community can do. I encouraged continuing efforts to forge closer unity and to set out a democratic vision for Syria's future.’