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Tánaiste to address UN General Assembly

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore T.D., begins a programme of political, economic, and Irish community events in New York tomorrow (Wednesday 26 September 2012) ahead of delivering Ireland’s national statement at the General Debate of the of the United Nations General Assembly on Friday. Speaking in advance of his visit to New York the Tánaiste said:

"This year’s General Assembly discussions are likely to be dominated by events in Syria, Iran and the Middle East Peace Process. I look forward to setting out Ireland’s foreign policy priorities and our views on these issues in my address to the General Assembly on Friday and later when I meet with the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon."

"UNGA Ministerial Week is a key annual gathering of leaders from around the world and I will be using the opportunity to seek support for Ireland’s candidacy in elections for the UN Human Rights Council later this year. I will also be previewing the Ministerial Meeting of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) which Ireland will host in Dublin on 6-7 December and our forthcoming Presidency of the EU in the first half of 2013."

"In addition to the political discussions taking place at the UN, I will have a substantial programme of business engagements promoting Ireland to key US business leaders and sectors. On Wednesday, alongside the Minister for Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar T.D., I will launch the New York campaign for "The Gathering"' at an event in Ireland House organised by Tourism Ireland and the Irish Consulate. I will also have a number of media interviews to outline to an American business audience the progress being made by the Government to address Ireland’s economic challenges."

"Importantly, there will be a strong Irish community focus to my visit. Our Embassy and the Consulates in the United States play a very active part in relation to issues of concern to the Irish community in the US, such as immigration reform and support for our emigrants, particularly the more vulnerable. The Government is highly appreciative of the role which members of our diaspora undertake in helping to create jobs and restore growth in the Irish economy, including the work of the Global Irish Network. In this regard, I have invited representatives of local Irish community organisations and emigrant support groups to meet to discuss how we can strengthen our work together. In particular, I look forward to developing a stronger US dimension to the Decade of Commemoration, those historic events of a century ago which so transformed our country and our communities, both at home and abroad."