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Tánaiste to meet Irish Ambassador to Mauritius – Statement by the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore TD

 “I was shocked to learn of the publication today by a Mauritian newspaper of images relating to the murder of Michaela McAreavey.  Our Ambassador to Mauritius, Mr. Brendan McMahon, is currently in Ireland, and I will be meeting with him tomorrow morning to discuss this matter and to agree how to bring our concerns to the attention of the authorities in Mauritius at the highest levels and in the most effective way possible. This is a deeply distressing development for the families of Michaela and John and demonstrates a total lack of respect for their feelings and rights.  The Government is determined to make a strong protest about this matter to the Government of Mauritius.  My Department will continue to be available to offer support and advice to the families of Michaela and John and will assist them in any way we can.”