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Tánaiste welcomes agri-food export performance in 2013

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore T.D., welcomed the strong performance of Irish agri-food exporters in 2013, following publication of the latest Central Statistics Office trade figures.

An increase in agri-food exports went some way to offsetting the effects of the pharmaceutical patent cliff, which accounted for most of a 5 percent fall off in overall merchandise exports in 2013. Chemical and pharmaceutical products accounted for 58 percent of Ireland’s merchandise exports in 2013, down from 60 percent in 2012.

The figures for December 2013 were improved, up 11 percent on the previous month, while figures for the year in other sectors were stable with notable increases in food and live animal exports, when compared with 2012. Services exports continue to grow and are expected to outperform overall merchandise exports for the first time once final figures for 2013 are released later this year.

Commenting on the figures, the Tánaiste said:

“I am pleased to note the performance of our agri-food sector which continues to do well, with exports of food and live animals up by 8 percent, or €616 million, compared to last year.

“While overall merchandise export figures were affected as anticipated throughout 2013 due to the patent cliff and the difficult global trading environment, other export sectors remain stable.

“I look forward to a positive year for Irish exporters in 2014, when the effects of the patent cliff are expected to weaken and as growth picks up in our established trade markets.

“Next week we will announce a targeted global programme of ministerial visit for St Patrick’s Day, which will focus on supporting our exporting companies in winning new business and creating additional jobs in the year ahead.

“As Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Chair of the Export Trade Council, I will continue to ensure that the coordination of the Government’s efforts to boost exports, including in the Review of the Government Strategy for Trade, Tourism and Investment, which is due to be published shortly.”



• The CSO release on preliminary merchandise trade figures for 2013 is available at this link.

• The preliminary export figure for the 2013 (€86,890 million) represents a seasonally adjusted decrease in exports of €4,798 million (or -5.2%) when compared with 2012.

• Comparing 2013 with 2012, the principal causes of the decline in exports are decreases in Medical and pharmaceutical products (by €2,934 million or -12%) and Organic Chemicals (by €1,762 million or -9%). In the same period, exports of Food and Live Animals and Machinery and transport equipment increased by €616 million (8%) and by €116 million (1.1%), respectively.

• The most recent CSO figures on services exports are available here. They show that services exports for the first three quarters of 2013 were up by 3.8% on the same period in 2012.

• The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has recently finalised the Review of the Government Strategy for Trade, Tourism and Investment in close collaboration with the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and other Government Departments and State agencies involved in promoting trade, tourism and investment.

• The Review is designed to ensure that the State coordinates its efforts overseas in a manner which yields the best possible economic return and will be launched on 24 February 2014.