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Tánaiste welcomes announcement of new Palestinian Unity Government

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, TD, has welcomed the new unity government announced by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

The Tánaiste reaffirmed Ireland’s support for unity and reconciliation among Palestinians, saying:

“I welcome the establishment of the new Palestinian unity government headed by Prime Minister Hamdallah. This is an important step in the effort to promote greater reconciliation among Palestinians and to heal those deep divisions which have existed since Hamas’ takeover of Gaza in 2007.

“I firmly believe that the new government is a positive development which hopefully can act as a spur for renewed efforts to bring about a negotiated two-state solution.

“I look forward to Prime Minister Hamdallah and the new unity government continuing to work actively, under the overall leadership of President Abbas, to help promote an urgent renewal of the US-led peace talks which have regrettably stalled in recent weeks.

“Ireland has always believed that greater unity among Palestinians must be an essential element of overall efforts to promote a just and peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict.”

President Abbas has stated that the new government will remain committed to the principle of the two-state solution based on the 1967 borders, to the recognition of Israel’s legitimate right to exist, to non-violence, and to the respect of previous agreements.


Press Section

3 June 2014

Notes for Editors

• The new Palestinian unity government announced on 2 June comprises 17 ministers drawn from a non-political, technocratic background.

• Its establishment follows on from a reconciliation agreement between the Fatah and Hamas movements announced in late April.

• The new government is intended to govern until parliamentary and presidential elections can be held in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in about six months time.

• Although supported by the ruling Fatah party in the West Bank and by the de facto Hamas authorities in Gaza, neither party is represented in the new government.

• The new government is intended to heal the political divisions which have existed among Palestinians since Hamas ousted the last such unity government and seized Gaza in mid-2007.