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Tánaiste welcomes successful Presidential election in Ukraine

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, TD, has welcomed the positive engagement of the Ukrainian people in Sunday’s Presidential elections.

Speaking following the election in which Petro Poroshenko won an absolute majority, the Tánaiste said:

“I welcome the support shown by the Ukrainian people for the democratic process by voting in yesterday’s historic Presidential elections. These elections are crucial to allowing Ukrainians to choose their own future and to ensure a political settlement that is inclusive and representative.

“While there were difficulties in holding the elections in eastern Ukraine, owing to the security situation there, elsewhere millions of ordinary citizens exercised their democratic right to choose the future direction of their country.”

The Tánaiste also paid tribute to the seventeen Irish observers that took part in the OSCE election monitoring:

“I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the important contribution made by the seventeen Irish observers who took part in the OSCE/ODIHR mission. Their participation is representative of Ireland’s firm support for Ukraine as it makes progress towards peace and stability.

“I welcome the preliminary assessment of the OSCE election observation mission to Ukraine which, despite challenging circumstances on the ground, noted a high turnout of voters and recognised the clear resolve of the authorities to hold an election that was largely in line with international commitments.”