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Tánaiste and Minister Harris welcome decision by redundant Debenhams workers to accept €3m retraining fund.

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar TD Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD have today welcomed the decision by redundant Debenhams workers to accept a €3 million fund that will provide individual supports to redundant Debenhams employees.


The fund, overseen by SOLAS, will provide a range of supports to assist with retraining or returning to education. A one stop shop will be established  dedicated to provide individual supports to redundant Debenhams employees.


Assistance on upskilling, seeking employment or pre and post retirement options will be provided.


The Tánaiste said:

The resolution of this long running dispute is welcome. The way we shop has been changing for some time and the move online has been accelerated by the pandemic.  However, I still believe there is a future for the ‘bricks and mortar’ shopping experience even if there is less of it than in the past.  


We need to ensure that retail workers have access to education and training options so they have the opportunity to gain new employment.  This €3m will provide workers with that assistance and I’m pleased it has been accepted.  The Government will be making some changes to employment law on foot of the dispute to ensure that staff receive proper notice of redundancy and clear information about what their entitlements are.


Minister Harris said:

I want to thank SOLAS for providing this comprehensive package of supports for individuals who have lost their jobs.


The scheme will offer specialised supports, personalised coaching, assistance with the cost of education and childcare. I am pleased this fund will offer some light at the end of a difficult road for these workers.


Andrew Brownlee, CEO of SOLAS, said:

We are really pleased that SOLAS is supporting a solution which will help the former Debenhams workers to move on with their lives and careers. There are so many upskilling and reskilling opportunities within FET and beyond, and we will work with everyone individually to find the right option, and right support, which will meet their needs.




Notes to the Editor


The State has always guaranteed statutory redundancy rights to the workers of Debenhams, at a cost of over €13m.


As set out in the Programme for Government, the Government wants to further enhance the protection of employees in a way that does not unduly impede enterprises in the conduct of their business. 


On 12 May, the Government announced a package of reforms in the area of insolvency and redundancy. This package is the result of a period of engagement between Ministers Damien English and Robert Troy and employee and employer representative groups.


The package of reforms includes:


  • Legislative proposals in the areas of insolvency and redundancy law;


  • The provision of enhanced information in relation to those remedies designed to secure the protection of employees that are already a feature of the existing legal landscape; 


  • Legislative proposals in the area of company law that are material to the protection of workers as creditors;


  • Establishing on a statutory basis a new Employment Law Review Group to provide a forum for experts and shareholders to ensure that our legal framework remains fit for purpose in the contemporary environment. This will be similar to the role of the CLRG for Company Law.