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Tánaiste announces Africa Ireland Economic Forum

Speaking today at the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) in Dublin, the Tánaiste announced that the 6th Africa Ireland Economic Forum will be held on 11 October of this year, commenting that:

"The Forum, which has been running since 2011, is the centrepiece of Ireland’s economic engagement with the countries of Africa. It provides a unique opportunity to bring businesses, policy-makers and influencers together, to share experiences and best practices, with the aim of building long-lasting and mutually beneficial partnerships."

The Tánaiste made the announcement during an address on Ireland’s relationship with Africa, as Ireland prepares to deepen its engagement across the continent through the ‘Global Ireland’ initiative and the publication later this year of a new White Paper on development policy.

The Tánaiste also spoke of the economic potential of Africa, noting the growing commercial links with Ireland, and adding:

"As with our political and security relationships, the future of European and African prosperity is inextricably intertwined, and the economies of our continental southern neighbour represent huge potential for job creation and economic growth in Ireland."