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Tánaiste attends EU Foreign Affairs Council to discuss Iraq, developments in the Middle East, EU-Africa relations, and development issues

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Simon Coveney T.D., today attended a meeting of EU Foreign Affairs Ministers in Brussels. Foreign Ministers discussed developments in the Middle East, including the Middle East Peace Process, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Libya. Prior to the Foreign Affairs Council the Tánaiste attended an informal breakfast meeting of EU Foreign Ministers with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel. Over lunch, Foreign and Development Ministers had a discussion with the Foreign Ministers of the G5 Sahel countries (1), and later discussed the follow up to the EU-AU summit at the end of November.

Speaking after the meeting the Tánaiste said:

“At today's meeting EU Foreign Ministers had a good exchange of views on the Middle East Peace Process and developments in the wider region. We discussed what more the EU can do to promote peaceful solutions to the various challenges facing the region. Ministers discussed the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. I spoke of the need for the EU to look at ways to step up its political engagement in seeking a negotiated solution to the conflict. The EU must also redouble its efforts to press for access of humanitarian aid for those in dire need.

“We also discussed how the EU might become more proactive on the Middle East Peace Process. This morning's informal breakfast with Prime Minister Netanyahu was a useful opportunity for the EU to convey its views on the importance of the Two State Solution. I also expressed directly to Prime Minister Netanyahu my deep concern at the continued expansion of illegal settlements."

1 Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger