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Tánaiste meets with Victims and Survivors Forum in Belfast

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Simon Coveney met today with the Victims and Survivors Forum in Belfast.

Speaking after meeting, the Tánaiste said:

“I was glad to meet with the Victims and Survivors Forum today. We discussed how to move forward legacy issues in Northern Ireland, with the needs of victims and survivors at the core of the approach.”

“The Forum includes people with perspectives from across all communities and regions in Northern Ireland. In our discussion today, there was an overwhelming sense that the Stormont House Agreement legacy framework must be urgently established to meet the needs of victims and survivors.”

“We also discussed the Irish Government’s role and contribution in achieving that, including by bringing forward proposals for the necessary implementing legislation to provide for the cooperation of the Irish authorities with the legacy bodies and with legacy inquests in Northern Ireland.”

“The Forum also has an important role to play in representing the views of victims and survivors and ensuring that their concerns and interests remain to the fore in the implementation of all elements of the Stormont House Agreement legacy framework. I encouraged the Forum to participate fully in the UK Government consultation, once launched, on the legislation to establish the Stormont House legacy bodies.”

The Tánaiste also said:

“The Irish Government will continue to seek urgent progress on legacy issues and play its full part in establishing the Stormont House framework in a manner that will meet the legitimate needs and expectations of all victims and survivors.”

“The Government has also consistently emphasised the need to ensure that legacy inquests are properly resourced, consistent with the proposals of the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland, so they can be held in a reasonable time.”

“I look forward to continuing to engage with the Victims and Survivors Forum and with the Commissioner for Victims and Survivors as progress is made with the implementation of the Stormont House Agreement legacy framework.”