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Tánaiste Opens Emergency Humanitarian Aid Scheme for Cork City & County

Up to €20,000 available for affected businesses


The Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar T.D. has today (Tuesday the 20th of October 2020) opened the Emergency Humanitarian Aid Scheme for small business, community, voluntary and sporting bodies in Cork City and County affected by recent flooding.


The Emergency Humanitarian Aid Scheme provides urgent funding of up to €20,000 to small businesses, sports clubs, community and voluntary organisations that could not secure flood insurance and have premises that have been damaged by recent exceptional weather events.


The Tánaiste said:


This flood damage is devasting for the people of Cork and comes after what has been an exceptionally difficult year for business owners and their staff.


This Scheme is designed to provide urgent help to those who have not been able to secure flood insurance, through no fault of their own. Up to €20,000 in cash for emergency repairs and replacement of damaged stock or equipment is available and I’d like to encourage all of those affected to apply through the Red Cross.


Minister of State for the OPW, Patrick O’Donovan said:


I was in Cork City this morning and saw for myself the damage that has been done. It is truly heart-breaking for those involved. This Scheme will provide urgent assistance which is so vitally needed at this time.