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Taoiseach Focuses on Trade, Business and Culture at the Start of his St Patrick’s Day Visit to Washington

The Taoiseach, Mr Enda Kenny TD, is focusing on Ireland’s business, trade and cultural links with the United States on his first day of his St Patrick’s Day visit to Washington.

This morning, Wednesday, the Taoiseach will meet with members of the Global Irish Network and his Economic Advisory Board. 

He will then address a Business Leaders Lunch in Washington, where he will focus on the new Government’s plan for economic recovery and the importance of international trade and investment for Ireland.

He will also meet with other leading US political leaders, including the Governors of Virginia and Maryland, as well as holding economic discussions with the US Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner.

The Taoiseach will also offer his support to Irish artists who are performing in Washington, DC as part of the

Imagine Ireland

year of culture in the US for 2011, including those who have been invited to perform for the President on St Patrick’s Day.

This evening, he will give an address to the American Ireland Fund National Gala which will concentrate on the new Government’s commitment to the relationship between Ireland and America.  He is also expected to meet with the leaders of the Northern Ireland Executive and to speak about the new Government’s support for the peace process and the Good Friday Agreement.