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Taoiseach and Minister with Responsibility for Defence visit the Defence Forces’ Special Operations Unit – The Army Ranger Wing


The Taoiseach, accompanied by Minister with Responsibility for Defence Mr Paul Kehoe T.D., and Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces Vice Admiral Mark Mellet DSM, visited the Defence Forces’ Special Operations Unit, The Army Ranger Wing (ARW) today.
During the visit, they witnessed a demonstration of ARW capability, in a counter terrorism role, at their state of the art training facility.
Commenting on the display, The Taoiseach commented:

The Army Ranger Wing are Ireland’s elite military unit and their capability is a significant asset to the State, both in a domestic national security role and overseas. I was really impressed by the demonstration today. We are privileged to have soldiers of this calibre here in Ireland and serving around the world.

During today’s visit both the Taoiseach and the Minister were briefed about ongoing capability development being undertaken by the ARW, including training and exercising with other State bodies in preparation for potential national security threats. The ARW participated in a high profile exercise in Dublin Port in December last with more exercises planned this year.
Speaking about the visit, the Minister said:

I am delighted to avail of this opportunity to meet with the personnel in the Army Ranger Wing and witness first-hand the professional standards and operational capabilities of the unit. As Minister with responsibility for Defence I can assure you that I am committed to ensuring the ongoing enhancement of this capability.