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Taoiseach confirms establishment of new Strategic Communications Unit

New Unit to improve Government communications with citizens.

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar TD, confirmed today that the Government is establishing a Strategic Communications Unit. Speaking today at Government Buildings, the Taoiseach said:
“It is our duty to ensure that the work of government is clearly understood by everyone who is charged with delivering it, and by everyone who is affected by it. Good communications is a virtue and there currently exists a deficit when it comes to awareness of peoples entitlements and how their money is being spent and what Government is actually doing.

Communication across government is an absolute prerequisite for effective implementation of policy initiatives. Communication to our citizens is an essential public service: the public has a right to know what their government is doing on their behalf, and why. That is why this new unit is being set up within civil service structures.

A democracy is only as strong as the relationship of trust between government and citizens. Communication is key to that relationship. I am determined, therefore, that our communications internally within government institutions and externally to the public will adhere to highest international standards.

The work of government is increasingly complex. Many policies and initiatives require the combined efforts of multiple departments and agencies to ensure delivery. Communication goes to the core of successful collaborative endeavour.

This is a new public service initiative. It does not affect the work of the Government Press Office which will continue to deal with day to day media queries.”

The Cabinet agreed today that the new Strategic Communications Unit is to be established in the Department of the Taoiseach. With the citizen at the centre of its work, the focus of this Unit will be to simplify Government communications and to increase efficiencies across the public sector when dealing with the Irish public.

Specifically, there will be three main strands to the work of the unit:

A. Streamlining communications for citizens
The work of the Irish Government is vast - over 200 different Government bodies constantly producing and updating policies and services, while initiating and running a variety of separate information campaigns annually.

Despite extensive investment in communications, it can be sometimes be difficult for the public to access the appropriate, up-to-date Government information they require. There is a need for greater co-ordination and simplification of Government communications, to make it easier for Irish people to understand what is happening, what Government is doing and the full range of state services, both current and new, that are available.

Initially, the Strategic Communications Unit is to complete an extensive audit of all current Government communications, including number of websites and other communications channels used, with the view to streamlining Government communications, placing the citizens at the centre. The Unit will also undertake research into how best to communicate with citizens to ensure maximum value for money in all communication expenditure.

B. Develop and deliver major cross-Government communication campaigns
There have been some notable times recently when the Government has successfully undertaken large-scale communications campaigns such as the Centenary Programme in 2016, Ireland’s holding of the EU Presidency in 2013 and our current bid for the Rugby World Cup in 2023.

There are a number of upcoming initiatives, such as the 10-year Capital Plan and the National Children’s Hospital, where it will be essential for the public to be fully aware of the plans and how they will impact their lives.

In partnership with the relevant Departments, the Strategic Communications Unit will proactively identify, develop and deliver these major cross-Government, citizen-centred communications campaigns.

C. Improve communications capacity across Government
There are hundreds of people in the Irish public service working in Government communications. To help improve effectiveness, efficiency and cross-Government collaboration, this Unit will work to increase the skills capacity of those working in this area.

As part of this work, a network of communications officials across Government will be developed to share best practice and develop a continuing professional development (CPD) programme for Government communications.

Led by a Director at Assistant Secretary Grade, the team will be staffed from existing resources where possible and will report directly to the Secretary General of the Department of the Taoiseach.

It is planned that there will be no overall increase in the exchequer funding for communications as a result of the formation of the Unit and resources will be drawn from existing allocations. It is also envisaged that the work of the Unit will deliver savings and efficiencies in communication expenditure for Government, as has been achieved in other countries.