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Taoiseach congratulates Arlene Foster on election as First Minister of Northern Ireland

The Taoiseach, Mr Enda Kenny TD, today congratulated Arlene Foster on her election as the new First Minister of Northern Ireland and wished her every success in her new role, which she takes on at an important time for Northern Ireland.

He looked forward to continuing to work with her to meet challenges and develop opportunities to benefit all communities across the island of Ireland.

The Taoiseach also commented that Arlene Foster has proved herself to be highly effective in her roles as Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment and Minister for Finance and Personnel and is sure that she will continue to work hard for the people of Northern Ireland as she takes on the huge responsibility of the First Minister role.

The Taoiseach also looked forward to continuing to work with Martin McGuinness who was today re-appointed as deputy First Minister.

The Taoiseach also paid tribute to Ms Foster's predecessor Peter Robinson, thanking him for his very significant contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process and wishing him many happy years of retirement with his family as he stepped down as First Minister.
