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Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Minister Bruton Announce GMIT Working Group

  • Plan to Secure Future of Mayo Campus to be Prepared
  • Minister Bruton Appoints new Chairperson of GMIT Governing Authority

Taoiseach Enda Kenny, TD, and the Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton, TD, today (Friday) announced the establishment of a working group which will formulate a plan for a sustainable future of the GMIT Mayo Campus in Castlebar.

The Working Group will be required to present a full report to the HEA’s Finance Committee in Q3 2017.

Minister Bruton has today also announced that he has appointed Mr. Cormac Mac Donncha as Chairperson of the Governing Body of the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology. Mr. Mac Donncha has been selected by the Minister having come through the process run by the Public Appointments Service. The appointment is for a period of five years. The Minister wishes Mr. Mac Donncha well in his new and important role.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny said:
"It is significant that a Taoiseach and Minister for Education have announced the establishment of a Working Group which will draw up a plan to put GMIT and the Mayo Campus on a sustainable footing for the future."
"Some of the recent commentary in local media is portraying a negative image of GMIT Castlebar. We must remember that Castlebar is a vibrant campus. I believe the student community remains vibrant and a part of the towns social and cultural life. Before the end of this year, the Outdoor Education Centre will be completed, adding to the ongoing investment in this site."
"The Regional Action Plan for Jobs West was launched in Castlebar in November 2015 and covers Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. It aims to create 25,000 new jobs in the period up to 2020. Almost 10,000 jobs have been created in the West since I launched the Regional Action Plan for Jobs West with Minister Bruton.
"The IDA Ireland continue their work in respect of inward job creation and have achieved their highest ever number of FDI jobs on record. Some may say this only applies to Dublin, but for 2016 their two highest growth rates for new jobs were actually the Mid-West Region with 10% growth and the West Regions at 8%. With employment growing in the West, the Mayo Campus of GMIT will have an important role to play as we seek to embed economic and jobs growth into the region."
“I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Cormac Mac Donncha well as he takes up his new position as Chairperson of the Governing Body of GMIT."

Minister Bruton said:
“The financial position of GMIT has been causing concern for some time. That is why the Taoiseach and I are today announcing the establishment of a working group which will formulate a Plan for a sustainable future of the GMIT Mayo Campus in Castlebar.

“The President of GMIT has reaffirmed the commitment of the Institute to finding a viable development plan for the Mayo Campus and has appointed Michael Gill as Interim Head of the Campus to lead these efforts. This will include the further development of the Mayo Campus as a Centre of Excellence in Health Sciences.

“The Mayo Campus has a very important role to play in delivering economic growth and driving regional development. That is why the Working Group will be engaging with the Local Enterprise Office, IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, as well as the Implementation Committee of the Regional Action Plan for Jobs West which is charged with overseeing the delivery of 25,000 jobs across Mayo, Roscommon and Galway over the lifetime of the Plan. GMIT is also represented on the Atlantic Economic Corridor Steering Group, which is a key part of the Action Plan on Rural Development."

“Today, I am also announcing the appointment of Cormac MacDonnacha to be the new Chair of the Governing Body of GMIT. Cormac brings to the role vast experience at senior level with a multinational company. I wish Cormac well in his new role.”

Notes to Editor

GMIT Working Group

GMIT has engaged Mr Michael O’Connell, former Secretary-Financial Controller at Limerick Institute of Technology to assist them in reviewing and addressing the financial challenges. The report prepared by Mr. O’Connell has recommended a number of measures to reduce costs and generate income for GMIT and minimise its operating deficit in a timely manner.

All of the various actions must be progressed by the Governing Body, the President, the Interim Head of Centre in Castlebar and the staff as appropriate. Everyone has a stake in making this work given the serious situation in which the Institute currently finds itself in.

Membership of the Committee will comprise of representatives of GMIT, the Department of Education and Skills and the HEA. Other staff members from GMIT, DES and the HEA will assist as required. The Working Group will be chaired by the HEA and the HEA will provide administrative support to the Group.

The Working Group will be required to present a full report to the HEA’s Finance Committee in Q3 2017.

Draft Terms of Reference for the Working Group

GMIT Mayo Campus, Castlebar

1. Objectives:

i. To formulate a plan towards a sustainable future and growth options for GMIT Mayo Campus, Castlebar.

2. Authority and Timelines:

i. The Working Group will provide a report to the HEA’s Finance Committee by the end of Q3-2017.

ii. The process will include:
- As an objective, developing a plan for a sustainable future and growth options for GMIT Mayo Campus, Castlebar;
- To this end, identify the key current and prospective opportunities and a roadmap to develop these;

iii. Including an Implementation Plan in order to get there.

3. Organisation:

i. Membership of the Committee will comprise of representatives of GMIT, the Department of Education and Skills, as well as the HEA;

ii. Other staff members from GMIT, DES and the HEA will assist as required.

iii. The Working Group will be chaired by the HEA;

iv. The HEA will provide administrative support to the Group.

4. Meetings

i. The Working Group shall meet as required but no less than three times prior to submission of their Report;

ii. The Working Group will hold consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including but not limited to:
- Public Representatives;
- Local Authorities;
- Regional Action Plan for Jobs West Implementation Committee;
- Staff and Staff Representatives;
- Student Representatives;
- DES Regional Skills Manager for West Region;
- Government Departments, including DJEI, DTTAS, DOH, DHPLG;
- Government Agencies, including Fáilte Ireland, Touirism Ireland, Solas, IDA, Enterprise Ireland, LEOs;
- External representatives bodies, eg Irish Hotels Federation.

iii. The Working Group may also take into account other inputs, including the financial process led by Michael O’Connell, and any other processes as relevant.

5. Role and Responsibilities:

i. To provide further evidence to support the options identified and to make recommendations on proposed next steps. Additional data to be collected should include:

- Estimated impact of each of the options on Castlebar and Co. Mayo;
- Funding implications of each option and related timelines;
- Evidence to support projected student growth in GMIT and Mayo Campus in Castlebar. Revised financial forecasts relevant to same;
- Analysis of labour market needs in the region to include documentation on the views of external stakeholders, e.g. Fáilte Ireland, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport; Irish Hotels Federation; Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government; Department of Health; SOLAS; Mayo County Council; Enterprise Agencies etc.
- Examination of the potential for co-operation and collaboration with the further education sector;
- Options for capital funding (Exchequer and non-Exchequer);
- Options for recurrent funding (Exchequer and non-Exchequer);
- Options in relation to staff;
- Implications for students, of each option, in terms of the provision of Further and Higher Education and training programmes.