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The need for the Minister for Justice to review the policy pursued by Court Services which is resulting in centralisation of court services in rural counties like Mayo

The need for the Minister for Justice to review the policy pursued by Court Services which is resulting in centralisation of court services in rural counties like Mayo

Deputy Michelle Mulherin

Response by Alan Shatter, TD, Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence

I wish to thank the Deputy for raising the matter and I appreciate her interest in the matter of court services in rural counties such as Mayo. As the Deputy may be aware, under the provisions of the Courts Service Act 1998, management of the courts is the responsibility of the Courts Service and I have no role in the matter. Section 4(3) of the 1998 Act provides that the Courts Service is independent in the performance of its functions, which, of course, include the provision, maintenance and management of court buildings.

The Deputy will, of course, be aware that the Service has been reviewing all aspects of its organisational and operational structures throughout the country with the specific objective of ensuring that front line court services can be maintained. I am informed that all venues were included in this aspect of the review.

In the context of the review, a number of venues were identified to be considered for closure subject to a detailed assessment and the preparation of a business case. The Service established a general framework within which such venues were assessed taking into account a range of criteria such as caseload, proximity to an alternative venue, physical condition of the building, availability of cells etc. The likely impact on other Justice agencies, such as An Garda Síochána and the Irish Prison Service, is also taken into account. Consultation processes are carried out in each case and among those consulted are the Judiciary, the local Bar Association, An Garda Síochána, the Irish Prison Service, the Probation Service and the relevant Town Council.

In line with the process, the Building Committee of the Courts Service Board considered outcomes and recommended a number of closures to the Board. As part of the consultation process, all those who had been consulted previously were informed of the recommendation of the Building Committee and were invited to make further submissions which would be placed before the full Board for consideration.

I am informed that these submissions together with all previous submissions have been taken into account in the decision making process.

As the Deputy is aware the Board recently approved the closure of a number of courthouse venues. At its meeting on 1st July, 2013, the Board approved the closure of venues at Birr, Edenderry, Clones, Swinford, Ballyhaunis, Kinsale, Baltinglass and Kells. I am informed that a decision regarding the future of Skibbereen was deferred until the autumn.

I understand from the Courts Service that the business normally transacted at those venues will be transferred to alternative venues in adjoining District Court areas. I am advised that it is anticipated that all of the venues will formally close on or before 1 January 2014. As already stated the Board is independent under statute in regard to these matters and it is not open to me as Minister to influence the outcome of the deliberations of the independent Board.