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The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins unveiled a plaque in Killarney today (Saturday 21 April), to celebrate the town’s victory in the National TidyTowns competition of 2011. Killarney’s achievement in winning the overall prize of Ireland’s Tidiest Town put them ahead of more than 820 entrants in last year’s competition.

The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins unveiled a plaque in Killarney today (Saturday 21 April), to celebrate the town’s victory in the National TidyTowns competition of 2011. Killarney’s achievement in winning the overall prize of Ireland’s Tidiest Town put them ahead of more than 820 entrants in last year’s competition.

President Higgins acknowledged the effort and commitment of all involved;

“Killarney has entered the Tidy Towns competition for many years and

your record has been one of sustained and consistent progress. I know

how high the competition’s standards are and how difficult it is to

progress at the top end of the competition. That you have achieved the

award of Ireland’s Tidiest Town is testament to the massive effort put

in by your vibrant and energetic community. Killarney’s triumph

would not of course have been possible without the massive support of

the entire community. You give a fine example of the kind of active

citizenship and community spirit which I am seeking to encourage

amongst all Irish people”

Yvonne Quill, Chairperson of Killarney Looking Good Committee, paid tribute to the dedication and hard work of all involved, particularly the committee volunteers and the staff of Killarney Town Council and Kerry County Council, pointing out that the towns win in the competition was reward for their sustained, comprehensive and imaginative work programmes. “People are proud of what we have done and want to keep achieving more. If everyone does something small, it makes a huge difference. We encourage people to join, we don’t force them. As the saying goes; you catch more bees with honey than vinegar”.

Supervalu has been sponsoring the TidyTowns competition for the past 21 years and in recognition of this fact the 2012 competition will be known as SuperValu TidyTowns. SuperValu in conjunction with the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, are running a promotional campaign “Get Your Hands Dirty for SuperValu TidyTowns” to encourage everyone across Ireland to get out and do their bit to improve their own communities. The Managing Director of SuperValu, Mr. Martin Kelleher, refers to SuperValu TidyTowns as a real example of the benefits that volunteering, hard work and perseverance can bring to a local community. “The devotion of the TidyTowns committees and their members is an inspiration to us all.”

The closing date for receipt of entries for this year’s competition is 25 May 2012. Entry forms can be obtained from the TidyTowns Unit in the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government– Phone 071-9107802 or by visiting or