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Tusla - Child and Family Agency - Launch of Corporate Plan and Business Plan

Tusla – Child and Family Agency today publishes its new Corporate Plan 2018 – 2020, and Business Plan for 2018 which will set out the key priorities for the Agency over the next three years, alongside a renewed vision and mission which will guide the Agency as it engages with children, families and communities. The significant work programme outlined in this plan is based on reducing preventable risks to children.

Speaking about the launch of the Corporate Plan 2018 – 2020 and the Business Plan for 2018, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone said:

“The launch of Tusla’s second Corporate Plan is an important milestone in the delivery, development and reform of services for vulnerable children and families. In providing additional funding of over €40million to Tusla this year, I believe that the Government is supporting the ambition of Tusla of doing the best for our children, who need help the most”.

The renewed vision “An Ireland that is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children, young people, and families” and mission “Working together to provide good quality, supportive services to achieve better outcomes for children, young people, families, and communities” reflect the ambitious priorities which have been identified for 2018 – 2020. They include:

  • Agency-wide, consistent approaches to practice (including Signs of Safety);
  • To provide children and families with the right service, at the right time for the right reason;
  • To give clear, user-friendly information to families, wider communities and the general public about what they can expect from the Agency and our role in society.
  • To help staff grow and develop, in an environment which supports a learning culture;
  • To promote innovative, evidence-informed and risk-sophisticated practice to provide better outcomes for children, young people, families and communities;
  • To lead child protection and welfare interventions, and engage partner organisations and communities, in order to promote safety and wellbeing;
  • To recruit and retain appropriate levels of dedicated, experienced, and qualified staff.


Speaking about the Tusla’s focus for the next three years, Fred McBride, Chief Executive, Tusla said 

“The Agency has faced many challenges over the past three years, but due to the hard work and dedication of staff and our partners, significant progress has been made across a range of services. Our new Corporate Plan 2018 – 2020, which has been developed following consultation with stakeholders, staff, and children, is ambitious and aims to fundamentally change and improve the relationship between the State and children, young people, families and communities.


As an organisation we believe that children, families and communities should be actively involved in the decisions that affect their lives. We want to work with them to maximise their dignity, autonomy and self-determination whilst providing services that are timely and appropriate for their specific needs.”

The establishment of the Agency in 2014 and its development over the last four years has shown the importance of having a dedicated organisation of high quality for children, families and communities.  Achievements include:

  • Implemented the Partnership, Prevention and Family Support (PPFS) programme across the country using the Meitheal national approach.
  • Developed and launched a national approach to practice for Child Welfare and Protection – ‘Signs of Safety’;
  • Expanded the Educational Welfare Services (EWS) and Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence Services (DSGBV);
  • Establishment of Tusla Recruit in 2016;
  • Implementation of the child protection notification system, and commenced the roll-out of the National Child Care Information System (NCCIS); 
  • Developed and commenced implementation of an ICT strategy; and
  • Enhanced reporting mechanisms.

The Corporate Plan is supported by Business Plan 2018. Both plans can be found at: