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Two million people now in employment in the State – Mary Mitchell O’Connor

All regions of the country sees fall in unemployment

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Mary Mitchell O’Connor today (Tuesday) welcomed the latest Quarterly National Household Survey figures from the Central Statistics Office, showing that for the first time since Quarter 4 2008 there are now two million people employed in the State.  All regions of the country saw a fall in unemployment in the past year. Since 2012 when the first Action Plan for Jobs was launched 176,000 more people are at work.

The figures from the CSO also show that there is strong and continued employment growth in all regions of the country.

Employment has grown in 12 out of 14 economic sectors with largest increases recorded in construction, manufacturing and accommodation and food service activities.

Speaking today, Minister Mary Mitchell O’ Connor said:

“These figures today from the Central Statistics Office are very encouraging and continue to show that the numbers of people employed in full time jobs is increasing steadily and I am particularly pleased to see that all regions of the country are seeing employment growth.  Having two million people now at work will also give a boost to the State as only a strong economy supporting people at work can pay for the services needed to create a fair society.  

My role as Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation is to ensure that this positive job growth continues and I am determined that we continue to put in place the right conditions for employment to grow across all counties in Ireland.