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Update on Cyber Attack on HSE

The National Cyber Security Centre continues to provide support to the HSE in identifying the systems affected by the cyber attack and to bring all systems back online.


The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) became aware on Thursday of an attempted cyber attack on the Department of Health. The Department of Health has implemented its response plan including the suspension some functions of its IT system as a precautionary measure. This attempted attack remains under investigation, however there are indications that this was a ransomware attack similar to that which has affected the HSE.


As the investigations into both incidents are ongoing, it is not possible to make further comment on the nature of these attacks at this time.


The NCSC is supporting the Department of Health in its response to this attempted cyber attack, together with An Garda Síochána, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and third party contractors. The NCSC has been working with the Department of Health and the HSE to identify the technical details of the malware used in these incidents.


The NCSC has issued public advice in relation to the cyber attack on the HSE as well as general guidance on ransomware attacks. This information is available on the NCSC website and further updates will be published as the situation develops.


A dedicated team in the NCSC has also been providing specific guidance to its constituents including Government Departments and agencies and operators of essential services on appropriate measures to reduce the risk of further ransomware incidents on their networks. Staff at the NCSC are in direct contact today with the operators of essential services and this will continue throughout the coming days.


The NCSC is also engaging with EU and other international partners to share information on this incident and to ensure that the HSE has immediate access to international cyber supports. 


Minister Eamon Ryan and Minister of State Ossian Smyth were briefed by the NCSC earlier today. Minister Ryan has been in contact throughout the weekend with Minister Donnelly, Minister Humphries, the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste, as well as Paul Reid, HSE CEO.


General Background


  • Ransomware is a form of malicious software (malware) that encrypts a victim's files. The cyber attacker then demands a ransom from the victim to restore access to the data upon payment.


The National Cyber Security Centre

  • The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) was established in 2011
  • The NCSC is composed of highly skilled, specialist technical civilian staff, with skillsets in areas such as computer science, software engineering, malware analysis, information technology forensics, cryptography, software development, and cyber security compliance, as well as general cyber security skills.
  • A key function of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is to support the management of major cyber security incidents, provide guidance and advice to citizens and businesses, and manage cyber security related risks to key services.
  • The NCSC is also responsible for cyber risk and incident handling in the State and provides early warnings, alerts, announcements and dissemination of information about risk and incidents to relevant stakeholder and provides dynamic risk and incident analysis and situational awareness on an ongoing basis during live cyber security incidents.
