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Value for Money Reports

Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, announced that the Government has published two Value for Money Reviews which are now available on the Department’s website,

The two reports are:

1. Animal Welfare, Recording and Breeding Scheme for Suckler Herds (the “Suckler Cow Scheme”)

2. Fisheries Decommissioning Schemes 2005-2008

“The publication of these reviews represents an important contribution to evidence-based policy making which is a key commitment of this Government” said Minister Coveney.

On the Suckler Scheme the Minister commented “This review supports the Government’s decision to continue to provide exchequer funding for the Scheme in 2012. It is important now that the behaviour and herd management changes brought about by this Scheme continue to be implemented by the sector in order to consolidate the gains made so far.” The Minister added that this investment by the Government in the Suckler beef sector will contribute to meeting the targets set out in the Food Harvest 2020 report.

On the Fisheries Schemes the Minster noted that the Review found that the schemes were well run and that this review is a valuable and timely piece of work in the run-up to the Common Fisheries Policy Review.