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Visit to the Organic Centre, Rossinver, County Leitrim by Minister of State Shane McEntee

‘Government will continue to support organic farming because of its contribution to farm incomes in meeting consumer demands and the beneficial effects on the environment and animal welfare’ – Minister of State, Shane McEntee TD


The Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Shane McEntee TD, restated today the Government’s commitment to continuing its support for organic farmers. The Minister was speaking during a visit to the Organic Centre in Rossinver, County Leitrim. Minister McEntee said: "We will continue to promote organic farming because of the contribution it can make to farm incomes while meeting consumer demands and the beneficial effects it has in protecting and improving the environment and enhancing animal welfare".


The Minister of State continued, "Farming and our indigenous food industry are fundamental to an export-led economic recovery. The organic sector may be small in the overall context of farming but it has a role to play in economic recovery. At the end of February, the Irish organic market was estimated to be worth almost €100 million. This is a decrease from €124 million in 2009 but recent research shows that this decline is slowing and that organic vegetables and organic yogurt have increased their share of the organic food market. The message is clear - even in these difficult times, there is a consumer demand for organic food which must be maximised to its full potential".


The potential of the Organic Sector is outlined in the Food Harvest 2020 Plan which points out the importance of building and marketing Ireland’s green image. The proposals presented recently by the European Commission on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy are very positive in relation to the Organic sector and they include a proposal for a ‘stand alone’ Organic farming support measure. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine provides a number of supports for investment in organic farming including the Organic Farming Scheme and on-farm and off-farm capital grants schemes. Bord Bia and Teagasc also provide significant support through National Organic Week and the National Organic Awards and the demonstration farm programme.


"In recent years, I am pleased that we have been able to provide more than €220,000 in financial support to the Organic Centre in Rossinver. As Minister with responsibility for the organic sector I will do my utmost to ensure that our support budgets for the sector are maintained as far as possible into the future. However, against the background of the urgency of fixing the Government’s finances - when money and budgets are tight - it is always going to be difficult to provide sufficient finance to keep everyone happy", the Minister of State said.

the Minister of State said.