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Visit by the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Simon Coveney to Ramallah

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Simon Coveney, today visited Ramallah and met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Hamdallah and Foreign Minister Malki.

The Tánaiste said,

‘I had good discussions with President Abbas on the challenges facing the Palestinian people, and the prospects for reinvigorating the effort towards peace in the Middle East. I reaffirmed Ireland’s commitment and support to the two-state solution, which I believe offers the only prospect for a peaceful and secure future for both Israel and Palestine. I reaffirmed Ireland’s commitment and support to the two-state solution, as well as the final resolution of the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of both Palestine and Israel. I also invited President Abbas to visit Ireland, and assured him that he would receive a warm welcome from the Irish people.

I was delighted to meet again with my counterpart, Foreign Minister Malki, and to have an in-depth conversation about the Middle East Peace Process and the future role to be played by the EU. I told him that I welcomed progress towards a full return by the Palestinian Authority to Gaza, and that I am very much looking forward to meeting with Palestinian Ministers in Gaza tomorrow, as they begin to engage with the tasks which face them there, in delivering services for the residents of Gaza, especially for youth.”