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Wildland Fires Warning - A Fire Safety Reminder

The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Mr Eoghan Murphy, T.D., has asked the public to be vigilant regarding wildland fires. The Minister said today (17 April),

Everyone should be vigilant about the dangers of wildland fires. Such fires can endanger lives and property and particularly at the moment, under the current COVID-19 emergency, put avoidable strain on our emergency services. We need to be mindful of staying safe, keeping others safe. 

While controlled burning is illegal between the 1 March and 31 August, wildland fires can occur in areas of the country at dry times of the year. Such fires threaten lives, property and the environment of those in the local community and further afield. The Minister urges the public to be particularly aware of such risks.

My colleague, the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, monitors conditions and issues wildland fire warning notices. An Orange warning has issued for the fourth week in a row. I advise people to be mindful of this advice, and I am asking that communities and relevant bodies continue to work together to seek to prevent wildland fires.

Unfortunately, deliberate setting of wildfires also occurs. People in areas affected by wildland fires are asked to help prevent such fires being started, and to assist An Garda Síochána in trying to discover and bring to justice anyone who recklessly and deliberately sets wildland fires.

I ask people to take care with outdoor fires, barbecues, cigarettes, etc. and to keep fire safe,

the Minister added.