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"Winning Community Acceptance of Energy Infrastructure Biggest Challenge for European Energy Policy" – Minister Rabbitte

Minister for Energy Pat Rabbitte today identified community acceptance of energy infrastructure as the biggest challenge facing energy policy makers across Europe..

Addressing a meeting of European Energy Ministers in Brussels on the subject of Energy Infrastructure he said "At the heart of the question is how do we deliver the scale of the urgent investment needed in as short a time as possible and as cost efficiently as possible? And above all how do we bring our citizens and communities with us? Community acceptance of energy infrastructure is frankly the biggest challenge we all face.

"I am more confident in our ability to incentivise the private and public investment in energy infrastructure than in our current ability to convince our citizens that such investment is essential for their wellbeing, their jobs and their future. Everyone wants, and deserves, cheaper, environmentally sustainable and secure energy supply at home and at work.

"From the remote West of Ireland to the Eastern edge of the Union that fundamental need means wires, transmission lines, pylons, wind turbines, power-plants, gas storage and gas pipelines.

"Our challenge is to connect with citizens and communities and all stakeholders and to instill confidence in the planning and permitting systems’ capability to address environmental, health, safety and amenity concerns. Where there are genuine concerns, our systems must be seen to meet them. Where better education and understanding on meeting our energy needs is required, we must give the necessary leadership.

"That will be among the biggest challenges we face in delivering the goals of Europe’s Energy Infrastructure Package."

At today’s Energy Council meeting Minister Rabbitte also presented EU Energy Commissioner Oettinger with a copy of the "Isles" report on the Irish-Scottish offshore renewable energy grid which demonstrates that a Subsea grid connecting Scottish, Irish and Northern Irish offshore renewable sites is feasible. The report was launched yesterday in Glasgow by Minister Rabbitte together with Ministers Arlene Foster and Fergus Ewing.