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WOW-IE – Met Éireann announces its Weather Observation Website WOW

Met Éireann is pleased to announce that members of the public who have private weather stations can now share their observations on its new Weather Observations Website (WOW) WOW-IE is a platform which collates weather observation information from private and official sources and shares it online.

This free online services allows anyone with an interest in weather to view real-time values of temperature, pressure, wind. These observations are from privately-owned weather stations, Met Éireann’s stations and National Meteorological Services around the world.  

WOW-IE is for everyone who has an interest in weather or climate – farmers, businesses, environmentalists, teachers and schoolchildren. WOW-IE is a weather and climate education and data comparison tool. You can view historic weather observations on the WOW-IE map, on a graph or in a table.  The data is freely available to download.

WOW is an international partnership involving National Meteorological Services from all over the world. Originally set up by the United Kingdom Met Office, its partners now include Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand,  so it is possible to view and share weather data from locations over the world!

Currently there are about 100 Irish stations uploading weather observations to WOW, mostly from Met Éireann sites. By sharing your weather station data you will help to improve the Irish weather observing network and help Met Éireann forecasters to get more information on real-time* weather around Ireland.

Visit for more information.

*Met Éireann does not correct or review WOW data, hence incorrect values or missing data may occur, even from official stations.

Weather Station Competition for Schools at the Young Scientist Exhibition!

Met Éireann is also pleased to announce it will run a competition at the Young Scientist Exhibition in January 2020 in which a school attending the exhibition can win a wireless Automatic Weather Station. The winning school can upload their weather observations to WOW which we can all view on the website!