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€100K grant fund to kick-start World’s First LGBTI National Youth Strategy

Groups working with young people in every part of country invited to apply for grants

Dr Katherine Zappone, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs is delighted to announce that her Department is announcing a €100,000 grant scheme to make services across the country more accessible to LGBTI+ young people.

The funding is the first of a number of announcements as the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy becomes a reality.

Minister Zappone added:

I was very proud to join young people from across Ireland to launch the world's first LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy as it clearly showed how serious we are in our mission to ensure that Ireland is the best country in which to grow up.

As I explained at that time, however, the real hard work would be making the Strategy a reality. I am delighted that hard work is already in motion we are on the road to making a real and positive difference to young lives.

This capacity building is a key action under Goal 1 of the Strategy, which is to "Create a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for LGBTI+ young people.

The objectives and actions associated with this goal will work towards the continued improvement of safe, supportive and inclusive spaces for LGBTI+ young people.

This initiative aims to provide funding to implement evidence-based training, mentoring, coaching, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) initiatives and development of guidelines targeted at professional service providers and youth services.

Training and guidance should include a particular focus on trans and gender-related issues.

It is envisaged that grants in the region of €3,000 - €6,000 will be awarded to individual organisations for initiatives such as training, with allowances being made in a limited number of circumstances for large national initiatives. The grant is open both for programmes which have been run before and proven to be effective and new and innovative programmes. Projects must be delivered in 2018.

The initiative will target those who work or volunteer with young people aged 10 to 24 and is open to applications from professional service providers who deal with young people and youth services in the following areas:

  • Youth services 
  • Youth helpline personnel 
  • Traveller service providers 
  • Disability service providers 
  • Homeless service providers 
  • Addiction counsellors and facilities 
  • Services already in receipt of DCYA funding.

The deadline for submissions is 12 noon on 26th September. For further details and information on how to apply, please contact

Minister Zappone had the following words for organisations considering applying for funding:

I encourage all organisations offering services to young people to apply under this initiative, which provides a wonderful opportunity to ensure that the needs of our LGBTI+ young people can be met, to the highest standards.


The LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy was published on 29th June 2018 and is a world first. It is a key commitment for DCYA as part of the 2016 Programme for Partnership Government and will make a significant contribution towards the Government's broader commitment to continue to strive for the full inclusion of LGBTI+ people in Irish society. It is a 3 year Strategy that is strongly action oriented with the mission to ensure all LGBTI+ young people are visible, valued and included.

A number of significant changes have taken place in Ireland in recent decades which have resulted in substantial progress and improved outcomes for LGBTI+ people. The Strategy seeks to put measures in place to address some of the remaining challenges faced by LGBTI+ young people, so as to ensure that they can achieve the same positive outcomes as all other young people.
The Strategy and its future governance lie within the framework of Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: The Policy Framework for Children and Young Peopleand as such will contribute to achievement of the five national outcomes for children and young people:

1) Active and healthy, with positive physical and mental wellbeing
2) Achieving their full potential in all areas of learning and development
3) Safe and protected from harm
4) Economic security and opportunity
5) Connected, respected and contributing to their world.

The expected outcomes from the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy will:

  • improve environments and services for LGBTI+ young people 
  • support better training for professionals engaging with LGBTI+ young people 
  • enforce anti-bullying policies and address anti-LGBTI+ discrimination 
  • address the health and wellbeing of LGBTI+ young people and 
  • expand legislation to include and protect LGBTI+ young people, generate information and insight into the needs of LGBTI+ young people.