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Minister McGrath opens National Platform of Self Advocates Conference

Minister for Disabilities, Finian McGrath TD today officially opened The National Platform of Self Advocates Conference for 2017.

In opening the Conference the Minister thanked the organisation for their very important work which “through their member’s experience of living with an intellectual disability ensures that voices of people with intellectual disability from all over Ireland are heard”.

The Minister commended the National Platform for choosing “Managing A Good Life” as the theme for their Conference, saying: “This can mean different things to different people but certain principles are universal, such as having a home of one’s own, giving people with disabilities the supports to lead a life of their own choosing, supporting young people in transitioning from second level education to further education and training, identifying each individual's talent and ability”.

The Minister concluded: “As a society we must move away from the negative emphasis of focusing on the individual’s disability and instead recognise and nurture each unique individual’s hopes, dreams and ambitions.”