
This year, the theme is ‘Women Scientists at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19’...

Minister Martin today announced a new funding scheme to help local authorities open up and create public spaces and facilities dedicated to the arts, culture and festivals...

Six Week consultation to feed into the work of the Government’s Child Maintenance Review Group...

'Working together for Biodiversity: Tales from the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-2020’ highlights positive action for nature across the country...

Minister of State with responsibility for Youth Justice, James Browne TD, this morning met with the CEO of the Solas project, Amy Carey and Lead Youth Justice Worker Aishling Golden...

Minister of State for Financial Services, Credit Unions, and Insurance Seán Fleming TD today (Thursday 11th February) launches the Ireland for Finance Action Plan for 2021 following Cabinet approval...

The Ministers today met with Bord Bia to examine plans for market development for Irish food and drink over the course of 2021, the first in a series of quarterly meetings...

A Severe Weather Coordination meeting, was held today (Wednesday, 10 February 2021), to review the weather forecast for the coming days, including the potential impact of snow and provide all key stakeholders with this information directly to enable relevant preparations to take place...

Focus on locally-led Farm Projects. Farmers, NGOs, Local Authorities, Communities all encouraged to apply...

