
It was with extreme sadness that I learned of the tragedy which occurred this afternoon in the waters off Kilkee, Co Clare...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD, and the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, James Brokenshire MP, will today sign an international agreement in...

Minister Simon Harris TD today opened the first annual Quality, Patient Safety and Clinical Risk Conference at Dublin Castle, hosted by the State Claims Agency...

Denis Naughten, T.D., Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Energy today (12th September 2016) launched the public consultation for Ireland’s second National Implementation Report under...

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, today welcomed the announcement that that Enterprise Ireland has invested €50,000 in game development company 9th Impact...

Minister for Employment and Small Business, Pat Breen TD has launched ‘Construction Safety Week 2016’ (12th – 16th September) at an event held at the Health and Safety Authority’s HQ in Dublin today...

The €40 million additional funding secured by Minister Harris includes a €7m fund for a targeted waiting list programme for...

President Michael D. Higgins is today (Sunday) officiating at the National Famine Commemoration at Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan, TD, today (Saturday) delivered the keynote speech at the annual conference of the British Irish Association at Pembroke College, Oxford...

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Micheal Creed T.D. today concluded the agri food trade mission to Asia which included some 30 of Ireland’s leading agri-food and agri-service companies, after visiting Singapore...

