
Michael Ring TD, Minister of State for Regional Economic Development, today (Tuesday 6th September, 2016) paid his first official visit to Connemara National Park...

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Andrew Doyle T.D, completed day two of the agri-food trade mission to Vietnam with...

Up to 85,000 are registering for free childcare in preschools across the country following a major expansion of the scheme, according to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone...

Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy Catherine Byrne, TD, today called on service users, parents, families, young people, organisations and all members of society across the...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan T.D., this evening (Monday) hosted a reception at Iveagh House to welcome delegates and guests...

Michael Creed, T.D., Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, announced today the opening of a Windblow Reconstitution Scheme, the purpose of which...

The Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine, Andrew Doyle T.D. today led a delegation of 30 Irish food exporters on the first day...

Mr Michael Ring T.D., Minister of State for Regional Economic Development at the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs today...

The Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Helen McEntee T.D, today welcomed the launch of the Alzheimer Society of Ireland Mobile Information service...

Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor, T.D., will visit Brussels on Monday, 5th September for a series of meetings with Commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska...

