
The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 9 additional deaths related to COVID-19...

Minister Simon Harris TD has today (January 8th) congratulated Gregory Tarr, the winner of the 57th BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition

Minister Donnelly has, this evening, welcomed the agreement between 16 private hospitals and the HSE to provide additional hospital capacity to HSE...

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 20 additional deaths related to COVID-19...

Minister Martin, TD, and the Minister Chambers today announced that the deadline for receipt of applications

Minister Brophy presented Aronnya Khan Zakaria with the Science for Development Award, part of the online BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition 2021...

At the end of the first week following the completion of Brexit, trade volumes have been lower than anticipated...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine met to discuss recent developments in relation to Rockall...

The Minister has encouraged businesses to avail of the range of support schemes in place to reduce the impact of new public health restrictions on their business...

The Ministers have today published the General Scheme of the Electoral Reform Bill...

