
The Cabinet has today, 12 June 2020, noted and accepted the recommendations of the Public Appointments Service (PAS) for the appointment of eight candidates to the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), in line with the process laid out in Section 13 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014...

Update from the National Public Health Emergency Team

Update from the National Public Health Emergency Team

Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan T.D, today announced that the Government has decided to appoint Mr Philip O’Leary as Chairperson of the Property Services Appeal Board (PSAB)...

Minister for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Mr Pat Breen, today welcomed the news from the European Commission that Ireland has improved its performance in the 2020 EU Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) compared to 2019...

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross today (10/06/2020) announced a new expert taskforce, to examine and make recommendations to him on what needs to be done get Irish aviation back up again and working as a driver of economic recovery...

Following a call for proposals for Agri-Food Tourism Initiatives under the 2020 Rural Innovation and Development Fund in January, the Minister for Agriculturte, Food and the Marine Michael Creed T.D, has announced the projects that will receive funding from his Department.

Minister Madigan announces over €4.3m in funding for 449 projects across the country

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton, T.D. today (Wednesday the 10th of June 2020) launched a consultation to inform the best model to deliver on our offshore wind ambitions.

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs has published its new report, Together for Design: Digital, Product and Strategic Design Skills of the Future. This study examines the future demand for design skills over the years 2020 to 2025.

