
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) today launched plans for an ambitious National Cycle Network (NCN), a planned core cycle network of 3,500km that will criss-cross the country, connecting more than 200 villages, towns and cities. The network will include cycling links to transport hubs, education centres, employment centres, leisure and tourist destinations, and support “last mile” bicycle deliveries.

The Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD today announces the launch of a new qualification programme at the University of Limerick to train Intermediaries who will help vulnerable people, including sexual abuse victims and children, when giving evidence in the justice system.

Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Robert Troy TD, has today established and chaired the new Enterprise Digital Advisory Forum.

Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, has today announced details of Cruinniú na nÓg 2022, a day of free creative activity for young people.

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with special responsibility for research and innovation, Martin Heydon, T.D., today announced over €2.5 million in research funding for Irish participation in two important European research initiatives on soil and agri-ICT research.

Last weekend, the Minister of State for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne T.D. attended the final plenary session of the Conference on the Future of Europe in Strasbourg.

D’fhógair Príomhaoire an Rialtais agus Aire Stáit na Gaeltachta agus Spóirt, Jack Chambers, T.D., go bhfuil an scéim intéirneachta in institiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh á réachtáil arís i mbliana.

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD today launched details of this year’s Active School Week.

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD has today (May 3rd) announced the establishment of a National Student and Researcher (NSR) Helpdesk.

