
Minister of Education and Skills Joe McHugh announced an additional €1 million is being/has been allocated to the Student Assistance Fund

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, announced that the third year of the Sheep Welfare Scheme will commence on the 2 February 2019.

The Minister for Higher Education, has appointed the former General Secretary of the Association of Secondary Teachers of Ireland (ASTI), Mr Patrick King

Minister for Health Simon Harris has today welcomed the publication of the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) waiting list numbers.

100 extra young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and disability sector to gain experience onboard tall ships and other vessels

Dr Katherine Zappone, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, has welcomed progress by Tusla in dealing with cases of sexual abuse.

The Minister for Education and Skills and Minister of State for Higher Education announced their decision to continue supports for prospective higher education

The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, is currently in New York to meet with representatives of Irish Cultural Centres of North America

“I am deeply concerned at the reports of the fire, which broke out in the Shannon Key West Hotel in Rooskey last night.

