
The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan T.D., today spoke about the dangers associated with fireworks and the serious penalties that people face who use illegal fireworks...

Minister Creed today attended the international Our Ocean Conference in Nusa Dua, Bali. This is the fifth of these conferences, started by former US Secretary of State, John Kerry...

The Minister will take part in a number of strategic meetings aimed at improving educational co-operation between Ireland and the UAE.

The Department of Education and Skills wishes to provide an update on the programme of structural assessments which have been conducted to date on schools constructed by Western...

In the first of a series of engagements in Indonesia and Malaysia during the coming week, the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Michael Creed T.D. will address the Our Ocean...

The International Famine Commemoration for 2018 takes place at the Famine Rock in Williamstown, Melbourne on Sunday 28th October...

The Department of Education and Skills wishes to provide an update on the programme of structural assessments which have been conducted to date on schools constructed by Western Building Systems...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., is today leading Ireland’s first agri-food trade mission to Indonesia and Malaysia...

As a member of ECRIN, Ireland would be perfectly positioned to take on the country sponsor role for more pan-European clinical trials.

brings Ireland one step closer to ratifying the OECD Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)

