
Mr Andrew Doyle, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, today attended the first of a nationwide series of twelve organic demonstration farm walks to showcase successful organic operators.

Achieving equality and fairness in schools is the top priority for young people according to a vote at today’s Dáil na nÓg, the country’s national youth parliament.

The Children’s Rights Alliance has warmly welcomed the Department of Children and Youth Affairs announcement that it is to establish a new Executive Office for the Guardian ad litem service

Tánaiste & Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade Simon Coveney, TD & Minister of State Ciarán Cannon, TD welcome the launch of a Register of Gender Recognition of Foreign Births

Richard Bruton TD, today announced that 130 additional SNAs are being made available for allocation to schools

Publication of Exhibition Report on €140 million Flood Relief Scheme for Cork City addresses issues raised during statutory public consultation process.

Extension of time to ensure crucial questions are fully addressed New Collaborative Forum will give a strong voice to former residents.

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan, T.D., today hosted the commemorative ceremony at Farmleigh House to mark the fifth annual national Missing Persons Day.

Funding of €100,893 announced to continue the Dú project in 2018.

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Mr Denis Naughten TD, has obtained Government approval for the appointment of three new members of the Board of TG4.

