
Mr. Eoghan Murphy, T.D, Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government today (27 September 2018) published his Department’s Homelessness Report for August. The report, based on data provided by housing authorities, captures...

The Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, Shane Ross TD and the Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Brendan Griffin TD today welcomed the latest official data on overseas travel from the Central Statistics Office (CSO)...

The Minister for Justice and Equality, has today paid tribute to Michael Donnellan, who will complete his term as Director General of the Irish Prison

Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to be here today to deliver the opening address at this workshop. In the context of national energy policy, and also the EU Clean Energy Package, energy technology issues have a key role to play....

Minister Eoghan Murphy, T.D., Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government today (27 September 2018) published the Quarter 2 2018 Social Housing Construction Projects Status Report, which sets out the continuing progress...

The issue of loot boxes and on-line video games, raised by the Senator, has received significant media attention in recent days. There are three elements to this matter that I would like to...

The Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe T.D., today (27 September 2018) published the African Development (Bank and Fund) Bill 2018...

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Andrew Doyle T.D., today announced the approval of 52 new Knowledge Transfer Groups (KTGs) for forest owners. This follows the recent announcement by the...

Commenting on the latest index for Q2, Minister Murphy said: We know that quarterly trends can be volatile,

The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Mr. Eoghan Murphy, T.D., and Mr. Damien English, T.D., Minister of State with responsibility for Housing and Urban Renewal have today (26 September, 2018) published the detailed results of the 2018 Summary of Social Housing Assessments (SSHA)...

