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Address by Minister for Justice at the presentation of the 'Q' Mark awards

Address by Mr. Alan Shatter, T.D.,

Minister for Justice and Equality

at the presentation of the ‘Q’ Mark awards to An Garda Síochána and the official opening of the Garda accommodation at Ashtown Gate

09th February 2012.

Commissioner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. The awarding of the ‘Q’ Mark for Quality Management Systems is a significant achievement for any organisation. For an organisation as large and complex as An Garda Síochána which manages such a diverse range of administrative and operational demands it is a truly impressive achievement.

Assistant Commissioner John Twomey, Chief Superintendent Clare O’Sullivan and her team within both the Garda Change Management Unit and the Garda Professional Standards Unit are to be congratulated for this award. It is a recognition of An Garda Síochána’s commitment to innovation and to continuing change and adaptation which embraces new technologies and the most modern management and policing strategies.

The Change Management Unit has been central to the development and roll-out of all of the most significant changes within An Garda Síochána since it was first established to support the implementation of PULSE in 1996. The work of the Professional Standards Unit has played an equally important role in the development of the highest standards of policing practice across all Garda Divisions and Districts.

That work is reflected in the awards being made today to both the Dublin Metropolitan Region West and the Dublin Metropolitan Region North Central. Both of these Garda Regions are receiving the ‘Q Mark for Dedication to Excellence’ for the introduction of innovative ideas and practices which have resulted in increased efficiencies and improved service delivery. �


At a time when the public sector, including An Garda Síochána, is subject to increasing scrutiny by public commentators, the media and the public as a whole, it is important to demonstrate that real efficiencies are being achieved, that management practices within the public sector are on a par with the highest international standards and that there exists a willingness to embrace change and work together in a constructive manner to deliver real benefits to those we serve.

In that context, I am delighted to hear the Garda Commissioner indicate that a new rostering system will be introduced for An Garda Síochána. The development of such a roster is a difficult and complex task and I want to express my appreciation, as Minister for Justice and Equality, for the commitment shown by both Garda management and the Garda Associations in endeavouring to address the issues concerned. It is yet another example of An Garda Síochána’s ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in delivering a modern working environment which meets the needs of members and a world class policing service which addresses the concerns of each citizen.

I am conscious of the contribution that the Garda Change Management Unit and the Professional Standards Unit will continue to make to An Garda Síochána’s readiness and ability to respond to changing events in the years ahead. This is particularly important in the context of reduced resources and An Garda Síochána’s capacity to continue to deliver a quality policing service in difficult economic circumstances.

Despite the budgetary constraints under which we are all required to operate, I am pleased that An Garda Síochána has recently placed an order for 40 new vehicles which will be rolled out over the next number of weeks. A tendering process is currently under way which will lead to a new contract opening the way for the provision of additional Garda cars.   I am hopeful that, notwithstanding the very difficult economic conditions, it will be possible in the near future to undertake the purchase of further cars.  

I want to acknowledge the very valuable work which has been done by all of the members of An Garda Síochána who have been instrumental in achieving these very prestigious awards and indeed the work and commitment of every member of the Force.  

I also have the pleasure of formally opening these very fine new Garda offices which have recently been completed at a cost of almost €750,000. I understand that the Garda Change Management Unit relocated to this specially upgraded and refurbished accommodation a number of months ago. I would like to express my thanks to all of those involved in delivering this particular project, including Lavin Architects, Nolan Ryan Tweeds – Quantity Surveyor and JV Tierney – Mechanical & Electrical Engineer. This project would not have been possible of course without the invaluable work and co-operation of the Office of Public Works and Garda personnel.