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Dáil Éireann 27 March 2013 Community Alert Schemes in Rural Areas Opening Remarks by Minister for State Kathleen Lynch TD The need for increased community alert schemes in rural Ireland, following a recent aggravated burglary in county Galway

Michael P. Kitt

I am speaking on behalf of the Minister for Justice and Equality, who

regrets that he is unable to be present due to other business. On behalf

of the Minister I wish to thank the Deputy for raising this important




The Minister is very conscious of the deep distress which burglary and

similar crimes can cause to householders in both urban and rural areas, as

well as the broader impact it can have in terms of fear of crime in our

communities. He also shares the justifiable outrage of all decent people at

those who commit aggravated burglaries in the homes of the elderly and more

vulnerable members of our community. The Minister is also very conscious of

the need to support strong partnerships between communities and local




In relation to the policing response to burglaries, the Minister is fully

confident that the Gardaí are doing everything in their power to bring the

perpetrators of such crimes to justice. In this regard, he is in close

touch with the Garda Commissioner and he is assured that An Garda Síochána

is devoting all the resources necessary to confront those who seek to

profit from burglary crimes.



In particular, the Minister welcomes the progress being made as part of

Operation Fiacla, which is focused on identifying and targeting gangs

involved in burglaries throughout the country. Operation Fiacla is

intelligence driven and, as part of that operation, specific burglary

initiatives have been implemented in each Garda Region to target suspect

offenders. The Garda authorities have indicated that as of end February

2013, 4,226 persons have been arrested and 2,327 persons have been charged

under Operation Fiacla, reflecting the extent of the operation and the

impact it is having.



The Minister is also a strong supporter of the work of the Community Alert

Programme. His Department, along with the HSE, has for many years provided

funding for this valuable national programme which was set up initially in

1985 by Muintir na Tíre in association with the Garda authorities. This

programme has since developed into a national movement comprising over

1,300 local groups which work with the Gardaí to promote crime prevention

and improve the security of older and vulnerable persons in the community.




Community Alert harnesses, in a modern context, the qualities of

neighbourliness and mutual support which have long been characteristics of

community life in Ireland. Earlier this year, the Minster was pleased to

participate with the Garda Commissioner in the launch of new Garda

"Community Crime Prevention Guidelines", which contain advice for those

wishing to set up Community Alert, Neighbourhood Watch or similar groups,

and the support which their local community Gardaí will provide. These new

Guidelines take account of societal changes which have occurred since the

initial schemes were established and provide a step by step ‘how to’ guide

on establishing future schemes. They also enhance both individual and

community participation in crime prevention.



The Garda National Model of Community Policing aims at building upon and

enhancing good community policing practice. It recognises the need for

dedicated community police officers, and there are approximately 1,000 of

these officers deployed in communities countrywide. It is also worth

emphasising, as the National Model does, that all Gardaí have a role to

play in community policing, and this is very much part of the general ethos

of the Force.



To further underline the commitment of the Garda authorities to Community

Alert, the Commissioner has signed a renewed Memorandum of Understanding

with Muintir na Tire, which provides an updated framework for the operation

of the programme.



In conclusion, the Minister will continue to support the Gardaí in their

ongoing operations to clamp down on those who seek to perpetrate cowardly

attacks on innocent householders. He also reaffirms his support for the

operation of the Community Alert programme and for effective partnerships

generally between communities and local Gardaí in tackling all forms of
