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Dáil Adjournment Debate - Ireland and the EU's approach to the Refugee crisis in Europe - Speech by Minister of State David Stanton T.D.


To discuss Ireland and the EU's approach to the Refugee crisis in Europe, and the closing down of the Idomeni camp in Greece.
- Mick Wallace T.D.
Speech by Minister of State
at the Department of Justice and Equality with special responsibility
for Equality, Immigration, and Integration, David Stanton T.D.
24th May, 2016

Europe is facing its greatest migration and refugee crisis since World War II. Conflicts and instability, including in some states across the Middle East and Africa, have led to more than 60 million displaced persons globally. Against the backdrop of this humanitarian crisis, record numbers have sought to reach the European Union, often undertaking desperate and perilous journeys across the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas at the mercy of ruthless and exploitative people smugglers.

The European Union has collectively taken concrete steps to address the crisis. Measures have been adopted in support of Italy and Greece who jointly received more than one million migrants and asylum seekers last year.

On 10th September last, recognising that we do not face the same migratory pressures as many other Member States, the Government voluntarily agreed to establish the Irish Refugee Protection Programme and to accept up to 4,000 persons in total under the EU’s resettlement and relocation programmes. Ireland under this programme is prepared, willing and ready to receive people. The mechanism by which the balance of the 4,000 is to be admitted will be determined based on future developments at EU level. It is expected that these numbers will be augmented further by family reunifications.

The figure of 4,000 includes approximately 2,600 asylum seekers to be admitted from Italy and Greece under the EU relocation programme and 520 refugees which the Government has committed to taking in by the end of 2016 under Ireland’s UNHCR-led refugee resettlement programme. Ireland is well advanced in fulfilling our commitments under resettlement, with 263 refugees admitted to date from Lebanon and the balance expected to arrive by the end of September, also from Lebanon.

The pace of the relocation programme across the European Union has been slower than we would have wished. If greater numbers are made available by the Greek authorities, then we are in a position to process greater numbers in line with our commitments. The Tánaiste and her Department have already provided four experts to support the implementation of the programme, two in Italy and two in Greece and are open to providing further assistance upon request. We have also nominated Liaison Officers to both Italy and Greece to support our identification of relocation candidates.

A Syrian family of 10 has been relocated from Greece to Ireland and have been granted protection. Very shortly another group of 31 Syrians will arrive in the State. A further 40 people are provisionally scheduled to arrive the following month, with a regular intake of 40-60 persons arriving every eight weeks by agreement with the Greek authorities. Ireland and other Member States are working with the Italian authorities to try to overcome their impasse in relation to proper security clearance procedures in line with the commitments already endorsed by this House.

To break the dangerous business model of the people smugglers and to remove the incentive to seek irregular routes into the EU, the EU-Turkey Statement, agreed by the Heads of State or Government on 18th March, has outlined a number of clear action points for implementation. To support the implementation of the agreement, the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality has nominated six international casework experts to the European Asylum Support Office to assist the Greek Asylum Service in the implementation of the admissibility procedure and the performance of vulnerability checks. In addition, Ireland has also offered the services of two members of the Refugee Appeals Tribunal to support the establishment of Appeals Committees.

The Deputy has referred to the closing of the refugee camp in Idomeni in Greece. It is my understanding that no official camp exists in Idomeni. Exploitative people smugglers have encouraged desperate asylum seekers to congregate on the Greek border with Macedonia by spreading misinformation to suggest that the border crossing will soon reopen to allow them to continue their journey to “destination” countries, including Germany and Sweden. The conditions where many vulnerable women and children have gathered are unsanitary and unsafe. I understand from the Greek authorities, that their intention is to move the asylum seekers to reception centres where their needs, including for food and medical care, can be adequately provided for.

The crisis is likely to stay high on the agenda for the foreseeable future. Our naval vessel, the L.É. Róisín is also assisting the Italian Navy in the operation of humanitarian rescue missions in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to our existing commitments to provide protection to asylum seekers and refugees who reach our shores, Ireland is also working with our EU partners to develop legal pathways for migration to Europe and to engage constructively with countries of origin and transit.