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Remarks by the Taoiseach at the launch of the European Year of Citizens City Hall, Dublin

I’m delighted to be here for the launch of the European Year of Citizens.

The fact we have such a year shows how far we have come in such a short time.

Creating a peaceful Europe of the peoples within such a short time ‘of the possibility of there being no Europe at all’.

Today we take such peace for granted perhaps.

But in this European Year of Citizens it is important that we remind ourselves of the intrinsic value of our Union, of the vision of Schuman and Monnet, of the very ‘why’ of our Union our rights and also our responsibilities to each other. And as we remember we can celebrate .We can celebrate what is a remarkable achievement. Indeed, the Nobel Peace Prize reminds us of how far we have come how much we have achieved together in terms of reconciliation democracy peace for our peoples the proud citizens of our Union.

It’s 40 years since Ireland joined the EU.

It’s been 40 years of not just change but transformation on this island.

Transformation of our economy. Transformation of our society. Transformation of our relations with our European partners and indeed with our nearest neighbour and good friend.This European year of the Citizen gives individual a chance to consider what Europe means to you and what you can achieve for and in the European Union. How to take the fullest benefit of membership to improve your life and that of your community.

Here in Ireland we have a proud democratic history where constitutional reform is approved by popular vote. This has empowered our people giving them valuable insight and input into the changes affecting our European involvement taking place over time.

This afternoon’s Citizens’ Dialogue starts a debate that will continue across Ireland and across our European Union in the coming months. It is important for all of us helping to deepen not just our relationships but our sense of selves as Europeans.

I wish you every success in your discussions.

Go raibh maith agaibh go léir.
