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Seanad Adjournment 5 February 2013: The need for the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence to clarify the current position regarding the refurbishment of Blarney Garda Station and the likely date when same will be completed; and similarly in regard to the Garda Station in Glanmire the likely date when contracts will be signed and the date when the new station will be fully completed -Senato

Reply by Minister of State Kathleen Lynch on behalf of Alan Shatter, TD, Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence

The Minister has asked me to thank the Senator for raising these important matters.

The programme of refurbishment and replacement of Garda accommodation throughout the country is determined on the basis of accommodation priorities established by An Garda Síochána.

The provision of Garda accommodation, including refurbishment works, site purchases, the provision of new buildings and the examination of potential sites for the location of Garda stations, comes under the remit of the Office of Public Works which has responsibility for capital expenditure on Garda accommodation.

Accordingly, Garda accommodation projects are progressed in the context of the availability of funding within the OPW Vote and in the light of the priority attached to each project by the Garda authorities.


In that context, the Minister has been advised by the Garda authorities that significant progress has been made in resolving the accommodation issue at Blarney Garda station. The Minister has also been informed that the tender process for the redevelopment of the station has been completed and that, subject to all necessary legal requirements being completed, refurbishment work is expected begin in the coming weeks. The proposed refurbishment works include the complete renovation of the existing building and the provision of additional accommodation through the construction of a new three storey extension.

Obviously, the progress that has been made in respect of Blarney station is significant and the Minister looks forward to the completion of the relevant work as quickly as possible.

With regard to Glanmire Garda Station, the Minister has been informed by the Garda authorities that, following advertisements placed by the Office of Public Works, a suitable premises for a new Garda station for Glanmire has been identified. The Minister has also been informed that issues concerning the purchase of this site are the subject of ongoing legal correspondence and, accordingly, he is not in a position to offer any further comment in relation to the matter.

The Senator will appreciate that the provision of a new Garda station for Glanmire is a project to which both the Garda authorities and the Office of Public Works attach a high priority. Minister Shatter has asked me to confirm that this is also his view.