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Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, T.D., at the Bord Bia Pathways/Leadership Summit 2012

 Thursday 21st June 2012


I’m very glad to be here today at the Bord Bia Pathways/Leadership Summit 2012. 

I had the opportunity to meet with some of you recently at the excellent Bloom festival in the PhoenixPark.

It’s good to see so many distinguished guests here today for this important programme.

I hope you’ve had a great morning.

Origin Green

Origin Green the initiative that brings us here today   is a world first.

A sustainability-development programme for the Irish food and drink industry.

Quite clearly, food and drink of Irish origin has a premium quality. a premium feel for the consumer.  

Making its way into aisles hearts and shopping trolleys acrossEuropeand around the world.

Even world leaders have spoken positively to me about the quality and recognition of Irish food and drink. Irish products clearly have a major brand recognition advantage.

As we continue the work of expanding the food industry at home we must do more to press our existing advantages in this market.

The Origin Green programme is key to the next phase of our sustainable growth.

It’s a crucial and clever development in how we play to our strengths on the international stage.

We must always remember that internationally our product doesn’t just taste great.  

It gives a feel ofIrelanda sense ofIrelandall the rain and wind and myth...and magic to the prospective customer overseas.

Just as much as anything else we’re selling an idea an emotion a feeling.

On a purely practical level Origin Green, will show the world, in a very direct and compelling way, some simple but important facts about us:

That the capacity to produce good food comes naturally to us

That our food production is based consistently on the highest standards

Ireland already enjoys a strong reputation as a source of natural, high quality food, drink and ingredients. 

Following my recent State trip toChinaI am convinced more than ever that the high standards associated with Irish food production will be key as we move into expanding markets.

In relation to the potential opening up of the Chinese Beef market forIreland, only last week Minister Coveney had detailed technical discussions with a Chinese delegation over the control regime in place for the production of beef inIreland. 

The Ministers jointly signed a formal agreement on the detailed operation of a joint technical working group which will further consider the scientific basis for restoring market access.

In the minds of consumers worldwide Irish food must become synonymous with terms such as ‘safe’ and ‘high quality’.

Sustainability, too, is very important to all our undertakings.

It is a guardian of our heritage that heritage being such a serious player in the future global economy.

Recent research by both the European Commission and Bord Bia shows the dairy industry to have the lowest carbon footprint inEurope.

With an explicit commitment to sustainability,Irelandcan build a reputation as a world leader in high-quality food production.

Food and Drink Industry

Happily our exports in this sector are booming.

2011 was a record year for exports by indigenous companies.

When we last met Leadership Summit last year the Irish food and drink industry was on course to achieve the largest ever export figure in its history at €9 billion.

There was clear consensus on the day that the industry could not rely on commodity prices alone to realise its full potential.

We need to be clever we need to build trust on our products.

Agri-food, forestry and fisheries continue to contribute significantly to our economic recovery and provide long-term growth into the future.

Consumer demand for premium food and drink is growing globally.

Only last month I had the pleasure to announce the €100 expansion programme for Irish Distillers.

Their main product, Jameson, has managed to increase sales of cases by 750% since 1988 with 3.4 million cases sold this year. This represents phenomenal growth for a drinks manufacturing company with projected sales continuing to grow.

Food Harvest 2020 / Action Plan on Jobs

In developing the industry we have a clear vision of where we should be going and the means to get there.

The Food Harvest 2020 report is the strategic roadmap for the development of the agriculture, food and fishing sector inIreland. 

Food Harvest 2020 has moved from the high-level national strategy for the sectors to a shared blueprint to which all stakeholders, including industry, are working.

By 2020 we wish to achieve an increase of a third in the value of the primary

- output of the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sector;

- improve exports and value added by over 40%;

- increase milk production by 50% and

- add 20% to the value of the beef sector.

These are ambitious objectives. We are equal to them. 

The second progress report will be published around the end of July.

Through our Action Plan for Jobs published earlier this year, we are implementing a huge range of specific measures to improve the conditions for growth in the economy.

The Action Plan highlights the agri-food industry, and Minister Coveney has committed to implementing the 17 specific agri-food measures in the Strategy this year. Actions such as:

Driving the technology capability of the industry, and progressing the establishment of further industry and third level research collaborations in the food sector;

Progressing the development and licensing of large scale offshore finfish aquaculture sites; and

Running a number of business market development ventures, including two significant projects in 2012.

Global Issues & Opportunities

Obviously, food security is a critical issue for millions of people around the world right now.

Food security matters toIrelandnot alone in terms of our past but in terms of our future.

We can do well and we can do good at the same time.

Food production can help the economy and we can provide millions of people across the world with good, safe, sustainable food.

Globally, countries recognise that food security is critical issue.

They need to plan for and source their food supplies, reliably but equally sustainably.

Irelandcan and must be a key part of their source and solutions.


Origin Green, sets out a clear message ofIreland’s place in the food industry and our desire and ability to be judged and to emerge shining by the highest international standards. 

Over the next decade, your industry will lead us forward successfully, strategically, sustainably.

I can assure you the Government will be with you every step of the way.

Origin Green is on our minds it’s in the marketing plans and in the  food halls and homes of people across the world.

More importantly today for all of us it’s right here on our table.

Enjoy your lunch!