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Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, T.D., at the Official opening of Coca-Cola at IDA Business & Technology Park,on Friday, 16 September 2011

Ladies and gentlemen.

It is always a pleasure to visit Wexford.

And I am particularly delighted to be with you today to officially open this new Coca-Cola flavour manufacturing and innovation facility.

Coca Cola Investment

This facility is a very welcome investment in the county. It is also a very welcome addition to the South-East region as a whole.

I know that it is a strategically important investment for Coca Cola – the new plant will carry-out process development and focus on product commercialisation.

The plant has already created 65 jobs, and I understand that a further 35 jobs will come on stream over the next few years.

At a time of great challenge for the Irish economy, this 300 million dollar investment by Coca Cola is a great vote of confidence. It represents a very significant consolidation of Ireland’s leadership position as a successful location for leading-edge global investments.

I wish to thank all those in Coca-Cola who are responsible for today’s celebration and who have travelled from abroad to join us here.

Céad mille fáilte, a hundred thousand welcomes.

In particular, I want to thank Don Keough, a Coca-Cola Director who is a great friend of Ireland.

Don, whose grandfather was from Wexford, was a key driver of the Company’s first investment in Ireland in the 1970’s.

I know that Don and his wife were awarded Honorary Irish Citizenships in 2007 as a gesture of Ireland’s appreciation of their longstanding friendship towards and support.

I also would like to thank Muhtar Kent, President and CEO, and Irial Finan, Executive Vice President and President of the Bottling Investment Group and Supply Chain who have played key roles in this investment decision.

This development has been supported by the Government through IDA Ireland and I also would like to thank Barry and all his team for their work on the project.

Economic Recovery

This investment explains why I have confidence in Ireland’s future.

Our real economy is strong. After three years of contraction, we are now returning to growth and we expect this to continue at a steady pace.

We have:

a young and well educated workforce,

growing levels of R&D activity,

much improved cost competitiveness

strong and sustained export growth

And these facts are now being recognised internationally – market sentiment towards Ireland is improving.

We have a real chance to be the success story of the eurozone crisis.

And the Government will do everything in its power to drive further growth in the economy.

We will continue to provide a competitive, attractive location for investment – making Ireland a great place to do business.

The Irish Government will continue to listen closely to business – welcoming feedback and ideas.


I’d like to borrow your slogan: "Life Begins Here" and wish Coca-Cola a long and fruitful life here in Wexford.

This is a very positive day for Wexford, for the whole South-East Region and for Ireland. I wish the Coca-Cola Company all the best with this investment and I want to assure you of my Government’s full support.