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Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny T.D. at the Pope John Paul II Awards in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption Tuam

When Pope John Paul II died, I attended his requiem Mass in St. Peter’s Square.

I have three vivid memories of that day.  

The wind catching the pages of the Gospel placed on his coffin. 

The coffin itself..... the plainest wooden box..... following the example of Pope Paul VI. 

At the end..... the Litany of the Saints........ echoing around those great Bernini columns.  

After each invocation..... the verse...... Ora Pro Eo.

As leaders from around the world gathered in that vast square..... 

As what were once the Gardens of Agrippina resounded with applause for the quarry worker.... writer..... dissident.... the Time magazine-cover .....who became their Pope....... it struck me once again.....  

How we have but a short time on this earth.  

How we are put here to make a difference. 

And how as Catholics....a pilgrim people....part of a pilgrim Church.... 

That this is but one stage of our journey.  

Pope John Paul II wrote  

The future starts today. Not tomorrow. 

And today.... an important milestone on our journey.... I want to say to all of you..... that I’m delighted to be here share this day..... the beginning of that future..... and to present to you your well-deserved awards.....  

My warmest congratulations to you all. 

103 of you from 25 parishes. Among them my own in Islandeady and Castlebar. 

Your parents, your families, your schools, your parishes, can be very proud of you. 

Their work, their difference 

As you know, the Church is the People of God. 

Founded on the intense, radical message of the Gospel. 

Through your undertakings...... you are living up to that message..... putting yourselves at the service of the people....of your parishes and communities 

Bringing them hope and comfort..... warmth and kindness.....compassion and consolation. 

In social care and that most valuable of things have cherished the vulnerable. 

By joining choirs..... or becoming church readers.....visiting the elderly or climbing the Reek..... you have enriched your spiritual lives... and at the same’ve given leadership and example to those around you. 

Today...... your Church gives thanks to you..... for the difference you are making to your community, your faith, your country. 

As we approach the season of Advent..... the traditional time of introspection......when we prepare for the birth of Christ... I‘m struck by how these awards allow you.....  

Not just to act in your faith...... 

But to reflect on your faith....  

To consider what that faith means to you.  

Particularly, in these difficult and uncertain times.


Yes, as a country, we face fraught, even impossible choices, but as a people, we choose hope over despair. 

We dig deep to connect with that instinctive sense of possibility. 

The day I became Taoiseach I spoke about our being a people of the Light. 

I spoke, too, of ours not being ‘a self-contained adventure’. 

About our responsibilities.....our duty.... our imperative to create a truer, more generous and sensitive republic. 

The ethos and actions we honour here today will go a long way to making that a reality. 

Allowing us to engage with our fellow citizens, to care for our fellow citizens, in a true and generous spirit of meitheal.

The spirit of which our new President Michael D Higgins spoke with such clarity, dignity and fire just ten days ago at his inauguration. 

The essence of these awards – compassion, witness and service - is the core of Christian teaching and the core of the new Republic we are trying to build. 

These are the common threads in the rich new tapestry we’re weaving together. 

And I’m glad that the CSPE Programme adopted at Junior Cert level encourages young people to participate fully and responsibly in their roles as family members, workers, consumers, as citizens of a democratic society. 

The Programme is working. 

Already an International Civic and Citizenship Study has shown that young people in Ireland show considerably greater participation in civic activities outside school, in voluntary and community groups, than the international average. 

Reflecting the ethos of these awards. And the vision of our new President. 


In conclusion, I just want to say to you that you are an inspiration to both young and old. 

You have demonstrated how all of us, but especially the young, can enhance their communities through active participation. 

These awards give due prominance to your commitment, energy and generosity of spirit, and highlight the enormous potential of our young people to enrich the life of their communities. 

Our young people are the future of the church. They are our future for Ireland. I hope that many more young people will follow in your footsteps in the years ahead. Well done and thank you all. 

Pray for him.