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Speech by Minister Reilly , Children First Bill, 2014 Report to Dáil on Seanad amendments

The enactment of the Children First Bill meets an important legislative

commitment in the Programme for Government to, for the first time, put key

elements of the Children First Guidance on a statutory footing.

As passed by this House, the Bill contained three main elements relating to

child welfare and protection and following a Government amendment in Seanad

Éireann the Children First Bill also includes a provision to abolish the

common law defence of reasonable chastisement.

The three original elements of the Bill are as follows:

Firstly, the Bill obliges certain professionals and others working with

children to report child protection concerns to the Child and Family Agency

and to assist the Agency, if requested to do so, in its assessment of a

child protection risk.

The second key element of this Bill obliges a provider of services to

children to undertake an assessment of the potential for risk of harm to a

child while that child is availing of its services and to prepare an

appropriate Child Safeguarding Statement in accordance with the Bill.

The third element provides statutory underpinning for the Children First

Inter-departmental Implementation Group which will promote cross-sectoral

implementation and compliance with Children First. This Group, which

comprises a representative of each Government Department, and a

representative each of the HSE, An Garda Síochána and the Child and Family

Agency will be required to keep the implementation of this legislation

under review and to report on an annual basis to the Minister for Children

and Youth Affairs.

This Bill represents an important addition to the child welfare and

protection measures already in place and will help to ensure that child

protection concerns are brought to the attention of the Child and Family

Agency, and that the Agency gets the information and cooperation that it

requires, in order to deal with any child welfare or protection concerns.

The provision to abolish the common law defence of reasonable chastisement

has been included in the Children First Bill by way of a Government

amendment in Seanad Eireann in response to a proposal made by Senator

Jillian Van Turnhout. I strongly commend the Senator for her initiative

and the members of that House for their strong endorsement of this measure.

This development was consistent with a commitment that the Government gave

earlier in the year to the Council of Europe.

Consideration of the removal of the common law defence is not a new issue.

In fact it has considerable history – having been referenced by the Law

Reform Commission in its Report of 1994 arising from an examination of the

law concerning non-fatal offences against the person.

Nor is corporal punishment a uniquely Irish issue, as international human

rights bodies continue to highlight shortcomings in the legal frameworks in

various parts of the world – both in developed and in developing countries

– to afford the fullest protection to children against violence.

Corporal punishment in the home is subject to the provisions of certain

laws. Specifically, Section 2 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person

Act, 1997 (which deals with the assault of any person) and Section 246 of

the Children Act, 2001 (which deals with cruelty to children). However, it

is currently the case that a common law defence of ‘reasonable

chastisement’ could be raised in the case of parents, or persons acting in

loco parentis (other than teachers), where the question of a prosecution


The legislative step is not about a challenge to legitimate parental

authority; there is no new offence being created. Rather, it is

fundamentally a human rights issue concerning the dignity and welfare of

children. It is about giving children nothing more than the same

unqualified protection under the law of assault that is available to all

other citizens.

The initiative to abolish reasonable chastisement should be seen in a wider

context of on-going work by the Government to advance the rights of, and

protections for, children through significant statutory, structural and

strategic change. The drive to enhance a prevention and early intervention

approach, rather than a crisis intervention approach, to child protection

is at the core of our efforts. This important orientation is evident in

the Child and Family Agency Act 2013 and in the Bill before us today. The

amendment, while simple in its form, can have a considerable impact into

the future both for the good of children, their parents, and wider society.


The Children First Bill represents an important step forward in children’s

rights and protections. It is fundamental to establishing a culture that

categorically proclaims that all children in this State are to be

protected, and that individuals, professionals and organisations will all

play their part in ensuring that this is so.

I thank members of the Oireachtas for their contribution to the passage of

this legislation, and I look forward to the cooperation of all society in

making Ireland a safer place for our children.