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Topical Issues Debate The need for a review of measures to combat the availability of illegal drugs Response by Minister of State Mr. Dinny McGinley, TD, on behalf of Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Mr. Alan Shatter TD

Deputy Derek Keating


I am speaking on behalf of the Minister for Justice and Equality who is

unable to be present here today due to other business.


The Minister wishes to thank the Deputy for raising this matter.


Tackling  the  issue  of drug misuse in our society remains one of the most

complex challenges that we face.


Our  national  response  to  the  problem  is set out in the National Drugs

Strategy for the period 2009-2016. The Strategy provides a co-ordinated and

comprehensive  response  to the drugs problem and is very much founded on a

partnership approach.


The  roles  of  the  Minister’s  Department and An Garda Síochána under the

Strategy are primarily, although not solely, concerned with the drug supply

pillar.  Our  drugs law enforcement response in targeting those involved in

drug  trafficking remains a fundamental feature of our overall approach and

continues to be a key priority area.


This  is  very much reflected in An Garda Síochána’s Policing Plan for 2013

which  highlights  a  strong  focus  in  combating serious crime in all its

forms,  in  particular  organised  crime  and  its  close  links  with drug



Work  in  this  area  is led out by the Garda National Drugs Unit which, in

working  with  dedicated  Drug  Units across the country and other national

units,  including  the Organised Crime Unit and the Criminal Assets Bureau,

target those involved in the illicit sale and supply of drugs.


The  specific  strategies put in place by An Garda Síochána, to address the

sale,  supply,  importation  and  distribution of illegal drugs include the

establishment  of  targeted intelligence led operations focused on specific

facets  of  the drugs trade. A further feature of the Garda response is the

continued  and  close  co-operation with the Revenue Commissioners (Customs

Service) and with other national drug law enforcement agencies, such as the

Irish Medicines Board in tackling drug supply.


The  Minister  wishes  to  assure  the House that this approach is yielding

significant  results.  An Garda Síochána advise that drug seizures for 2012

are  valued  at  approximately  €115m, with seizures totalling an estimated

€20m also being recorded for the first quarter of 2013.


In  addition,  we  have  also seen some very significant drugs seizures and

related  arrests  being made by the Garda authorities this month including,

for  example,  a  major  heroin seizure with an estimated value of €750,000

made  in  Virginia,  Co  Cavan.  There  have  also been ongoing large scale

cannabis  seizures  achieved  in  recent  days  and  weeks through targeted

operations,  some  of  which  are  ongoing,  conducted  in the Kells, Tuam,

Ballyvourney and Lucan areas.


The  Minister  would  like  me,  on  his  behalf,  this evening to publicly

acknowledge  and  to commend our law enforcement agencies for continuing to

achieve   such   results.   These   seizures  are,  in  effect,  preventing

considerable  volumes  of drugs from ending up for sale in our communities,

drugs  which  invariably  bring  with  them  a  wide  range  of  associated

destructive consequences.


The  Minister  also  advises  that  such  law  enforcement measures are, in

practice  subject  to ongoing review. The illicit drugs market is a dynamic

phenomenon  which  is  constantly  adjusting to market influences including

drug availability, consumer preferences etc. New trends emerge from time to

time,  with  users  often  trying  different  combinations  of drugs, which

sometimes involve the mixing of legal and illegal drugs, as well as various

modes of consumption.


In  meeting  the  challenge  posed  by  the  changing  drugs landscape, our

legislative  controls  and law enforcement approach remain under continuous

review  to  achieve  optimum results. The State’s comprehensive response to

the recent headshop phenomenon is a case in point.


The  emergence in recent times of large scale cannabis cultivation sites in

the State, a previously unseen phenomenon in the drug supply environment in

this  jurisdiction,  has  similarly  seen  a very determined response by An

Garda  Síochána.  Operation  Nitrogen,  which  is an intelligence led Garda

Síochána  operation  targeting  cannabis  cultivation, continues to be very

successful in identifying and dismantling cannabis cultivation sites across

all areas of the country.


Given  the  global nature of the drugs trade, international law enforcement

co-operation  remains  a  key  element  of  the  overall response. An Garda

Síochána  has  strong  and strategic partnerships in place at international

level  targeting  drug  trafficking.  An  Garda  Síochána work closely with

relevant   law  enforcement  agencies  such  as  Interpol  and  Europol  in

monitoring and responding to the illicit drugs market. In addition An Garda

Síochána  participates  in  the  work  of  the Maritime Analysis Operations

Centre for Narcotics based in Lisbon.


Those  involved  in  our drug law enforcement efforts fully appreciate that

the nature and scale of drug trafficking is such that we must constantly be

vigilant to emerging trends and adjust our responses accordingly.


In concluding, the Minister would like to assure the House of the continued

commitment  of  An  Garda  Síochána,  in  cooperation  with law enforcement

colleagues,  to  tackling  the  illegal trade in drugs and that they can be

assured of the full support of the Government in this regard.