Category Index

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald today apologised to the families of two children who were removed from their families by Gardai....

This is the formal launch of a significant report. But it's more than that. It is an opportunity to do something important. To say sorry. That's the first thing I wanted to do today. To meet the two families who briefly lost their children and - in private and in public - apologise to them on behalf of the State....

The Government today (Tuesday 1st July 2014) announced the establishment of an ex-gratia scheme for women who underwent the procedure of symphysiotomy....

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte T.D., today, laid the RTÉ Annual Report and Group Financial Statements for the Year...

Jimmy Deenihan, T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, today (July 2013) published a draft National Landscape Strategy for Ireland 2014-2024....

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn, T.D., today published a Focussed Policy Assessment of the Early Start pre-school programme...

The Department of Education and Skills is publishing its key statistics for the 2013/14 academic year today...

Minister for Trade and Development, Joe Costello TD, has announced that Ireland will dispatch urgently-needed blankets, kitchen sets...

Contracts between Irish and Asian companies worth just under €5million and the creation of 20 jobs were among the initial...

Jimmy Deenihan T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, has welcomed the approval by his colleague Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D....

